PEN NEWS for December 2016
As December is a gift giving season, the news is less about pens and more about pen presentation; boxes, boxes, boxes and then some more ... boxes
Big Box give-away pre Boxing Day offer! While they last I will be giving away with every pen auction purchase, a very cool hand-made slipcase box. (If you want a box with your pen[s] just tell me at the auction end e-mail.) These are constructed of 100% recycled materials that include: cardboard, pasteboard, or pine and paper sourced from vintage books. Now these books come from withdrawn library books and they generally go into landfill as the books are often records based. Their pages make interesting art, but reading one of these tomes wouldn't interest most. The library gives them away and even then there are not many takers ... the boxes are all of one size approx. and every one is different and unique. They will hold any pen that I sell with room for padding, so I can ship you pen with the very box in question. While simple, they are very rugged and useful and if you want to give a gift, here is a good little conversation addition to your pen's presentation.

All boxes are not created equal and so I have pulled some of the best for anyone that just wants one of the slip cover boxes. These examples are shown below and will go for NZD$5, I can add them to any auction purchase or they can be had alone, just e-mail for details.

but wait there's more ... I have some nice looking two piece boxes that are a tad bigger and a lot stronger. Inside 145mm x 20mm x 25mm deep you could fit your pen and some other accessories or just go all out on the padding. All of these boxes are a great way to keep your pen looking new and keeping it safe. For anyone that has had a fountain pen leak or burp, this type of case doubles keeping other things from harm's way. you can drop your pen into a daypack and not worry about it or how it plays with others. These boxes are NZD$8 and they are also uniquely individual in their appearance. These have little hang tags that allow you to pull them apart, they are designed to fit snug and tight.

next is a limited pinewood cigar style box. I have the two you see in this picture and I can get more, but for now they are a limited run. The box has a wooden sliding top that reveals a two slot, deep-welled box. 155mm X 20mm X 30mm deep times two. So, two pens? Your best pen and all the stuff you need to keep it running? Again, you decide. Whomever buys first can choose between the two. These boxes are NZD$15 and while I have only two, I can get more.

Last is a pen collector's box. A great way to carry your 4 favourites, safe and secure. 180mm X 130mm X 35mm on the outside, it's like a small paperback book. 4 slots that are almost the same ... hand-made after all ... 160mm X 25mm X 20mm the fourth slot is narrower at 22mm, but all four will take any pen I have seen. The box is made of pasteboard and has some very cool pages in it's covering design. Again there are pull tabs otherwise you'd never get it apart. Friction snug, it won't open even if you jostle it around in your gear. Only one right now and it's visible in the images below. NZD$15 The overall size means that this box is larger than my normal posting cost of $3, it's the next step up at $4.50 and more again for tracking or RD tracking. If you purchase it with a pen sale or auction, I will ignore that aspect and only charge the normal postage rates of the auction or sale.