The newest pen I have got in is an all wood body and cap construction fountain pen. The cap and body are hollowed from solid Rosewood. I thought it was an interesting enough idea and they are pretty nice. There are many new pens in stock now. a big new list, with the biggest pen I have yet to offer. The Jinhao #159. This distinctly over-sized pen is 18mm wide and then some, it has a long length, especially if you post the cap. Uncapped, it's quite nice. The larger feel is very comfortable. A black resin pen, so there isn't a bulk of extra weight involved. The #159 has been redesigned, in the past it was a metal pen. I find it's quite close to the JHX450 heft, which is a smaller, metal bodied pen. They both sport the same type of #6 nib, so you get the same writing feel in a different pen body.
The #159 is joined by some new Baoers and Heros. The Baoer #68 was a pleasant surprise. It looked good in pictures and then even better in hand ... the Baoer #701 will remind fans of the Hero #901 a pen that I can't keep in stock as it's so popular. The #701 is a reverse in design with a gold metal body and black lacquer top. Did not forget the slim style pens either. The return of the Baoer#801. That is the black pen with a brown/gold metallic over-paint treatment. The Hero 7022 is a gold and Champagne coloured pen.
There is a new model [for me] Jinhao #250 This pen is styled with contrasting metal furniture. It looks very nice and comes in choice of colour as well as stainless steel. Adding to the Jinhao #599. I have more new Clear Tint options. And colour options with the Hero #1515 and Jinhao #588. Most of my pen auctions now are condensing to one auction with a choice of colours of the model in it. While TM doesn't do this automatically [yet, I have asked] I am putting the choice in the text. I hope this doesn't confuse things too much?
Hand ground & tuned Jinhao #6 Nibs
I have had fun with some Jinhao #6 Stainless Steel Nibs, the non-plated ones. You can use the two-tone nib as well, but it shows your handwork when you lose the plating. The image sample is a two-tone and I heat coloured the nib which wiped any tuning work on that nib ... It's quite easy to quickly turn a JH#6 Medium into a stub nib. Great for drawing, calligraphy, unical & italic lettering, etc. It is also a great way to custom demark your pen. Make it yours and no other is like it.
Is the Baoer #508 History?This isn't big news I know, but I always liked this pen and when it sold the customer was always impressed with how nice the pen looked in hand. Photos don't really show off the unique lines of the #508. That Convex curve of the cap with the how it reverses and then flairs again at the jewel/crown is distinct when viewed in real life. The point taper of the twist pen made this look good as well. I never bothered to stock the fountain or rollerball because they have different body tails. Another flare, that takes from the lines you get with the twistball. Only when you post these snap cap versions do you get the similar design line ...

So, trying to find the twistball 508 has become almost impossible, I think they've stopped making it. All I can find are these newer, pattern colour models of the few twistballs out there? All the Fountain and Rollerballs are going that way too. Texture body colours. As well the newer versions now have text on the top jewel. This originally was simply mirror polished metal and looked elegant that way. I have to say that the added text just makes it another commodity-looking pen. Too bad. The price has gone up with the new ones and so I think The few I have now are the last? Anyway, if you want to leave comments in the auctions, if you have an opinion on the #508 selections future, I am happy to hear about it.